Jenny Poon
3 min readSep 22, 2017
Entrepreneurs collaborate at CO+HOOTS.

If women business owners achieved the same level of success as their male counterparts, we could add $3.2 trillion to the national GDP.

It’s shocking. Bold. And true.

Maricopa Small Business Development Center’s Kristin Slice often mentions this stat. And it’s something that always pops in my head when I see a fellow female entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurship is a struggle. And if you’re a woman business owner? The battles are even harder. The amount of women-owned businesses is on the rise, but entry into entrepreneurship for women is filled with cuts and bruises — not just from the inevitable falls, but also from scavenging for resources month by month. Some of the biggest challenges for women stem from the lack of mentorship, respect, visibility and access to diverse capital. The support isn’t always there. Even when those resources are there, it’s never low-hanging fruit. And it’s worse for women of color.

I challenge you to use your power, your privilege and your resources to create an equal world. Build a fair entrepreneurial city through inclusive business policies, community involvement and explicit support. What may feel like a sacrifice one day is the bettering of the future.



Jenny Poon

HUUB / CO+HOOTS founder, ranked No.4 coworking space in USA. Entrepreneur, designer, journalist. Phoenix Business Journal’s Business Person of the Year 2016.